Tam’s Tribe Health & Fitness Blog

What I am Doing Right Now Amidst this Crisis

A lot of people have asked what are you doing right now amidst this crisis?

Right now, I am practicing self-control, calmness, good physical and mental health and emotional intelligence.

On top of that I am practicing leadership to those around me, due to my job as a coach I think it is natural for me to step into this role and try to help those around me through any difficult times. I want to add certainty to those around me in uncertain times, I feel it is my role as a leader to step up and be a source of positive information and reliability.

Maybe its partially my personality and maybe partially some conditioning over my lifetime but I am at a point where my mood doesn’t shift based on the actions of others. I don’t allow the actions of others to control the direction of my life and I sure as hell don’t allow my emotions to overpower my intelligence.

I am fully aware of the impact this virus has taken on our world these past few weeks and will probably continue to for weeks or months to come. But when I look at this world right now I actually just feel really sad, what is it we have become that we are now turning on each other in shops, stealing things from the elderly, hoarding groceries so others have to go without, blaming companies and their leaders for lost jobs or income, literally fighting over toilet paper, I am utterly ashamed of the human race right now and it just shows that we really don’t all have each other’s back after all, and are actually more concerned with money and saving ourselves than loving and supporting the people around us.

All I see this week is how selfish humans really can be

I guess I am the eternal optimist some might say but, you know what? Things will just work out, the world will rebuild itself, our health will improve, the economy will rise, we will get a job somewhere, somehow, our life might have a giant shift but maybe that’s what is needed to actually shine some light on the fact you have been putting all your energy into the wrong places. You can take this crisis however you like that’s your freedom of choice, but I sure as hell aren’t going to turn against my own human race to save myself.

I am going to continue caring for YOU, I am going to practice kindness, compassion and empathy. I am going to continue to help people by being a leader, I may only have a small army of people to lead but to me that means the world and if I can make even a tiny difference in those peoples lives now and into the future then that is what will help me continue on.

I promise to bring light and positivity to you daily because the world needs so much more of that right now, if you don’t like my positive vibes by all means tune out I can not force you into being an optimist but I highly suggest it, because even in this time when many people are falling apart I can still see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know that we are all going to be ok and come out more resilient and stronger than we started.

Instead of panic, fear and selfishness, let’s start practicing calmness, kindness, stillness, creativity and mindfulness. I acknowledge some of you are scared but the more you fear something the bigger it grows in your mind.

Your attitude and your mindset during this time will determine how you recover from this crisis, you can let it consume you and swallow you up or you can let it teach you and force you to grow.

What’s really important to you?



Or people?

People are by far the top of my list.

So what am I currently doing differently (using extra hygiene and avoiding social interactions aside)


I am continuing living my life as I was 2 weeks ago

  • Working, taking care of my clients physical and mental health
  • Training myself, taking care of my physical and mental health
  • Getting enough quality sleep
  • Staying well hydrated
  • Doing my one normal weekly shop
  • Cooking healthy nutrient dense meals
  • Calling my family and friends daily
  • Spending time in the sun
  • Hanging with Hulk my sausage dog

I am keeping balance and routine and most of all keeping my physical and mental health in tip top shape. Even if things change, moving forward I will still continue to keep a healthy balance happening in my life and I promise to be a good leader you can count on for support at any time no matter what.

I am sorry if you are experience real hardship at this time but I also think you have a choice, you can let it knock you down all together or you can instead maybe try to understand why it happened and maybe your life is destined on a new and exciting path now.

Change will always be accompanied by drawbacks and discomfort. But incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.

Stuck for training ideas and need some motivation?

Join my @home workouts and virtual coaching

Take care, be kind, have empathy, have compassion and just overall be a good human being.

Please reach out if you need anything during this time, I am here for you and those around you.

Much Love


Tam’s Tribe

Tam's Tribe Custom Online Programming

Dedicated to helping women love their bodies, make them fall in love with fitness and strength and build their self confidence to heights they never imagined.

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5 tips to building a strong core


Why is a strong core important?

Your core stabilises your body, allowing you to move in any direction, improving balance, preventing falls and allows your body to function properly.

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