Tam’s Tribe Health & Fitness Blog

My Top 6 Self-Development Books

Investing in your own growth and self-development isn’t selfish it’s self-care.

If there is one thing, I love it is personal development. After many requests from my recent posts I am going to share with you my top 6 Self-Development books I have listened to. Personally, I love audio books, although they are all available in written copies also. My passion lies in helping women gain confidence and self belief and the only way I can teach this is to become the best version of myself. Make sure you let me know in the comments if you have any others you would suggest or if you have read and enjoyed some of these books I have listed.

1. Chasing Excellence – Ben Bergeron

This is definitely one of my favourites. Ben coaches some of the worlds best CrossFit Athletes, but no need to be an athlete to read the book, he explains how the champion mindset can be learned by anyone. He believes that greatness is not for the elite few; that winning is a result, not a goal; and that character, not talent, is what makes a true champion.

2. Atomic Habits – James Clear

Loooovvveeee this book, packed with evidence based strategies to changing your daily habits. What we do everyday adds up to what we accomplish over our lifetime. He breaks down step by step how to transform your daily habits and put these into practice. Don’t skip this one it’s awesome.

 3. Defining You – Fiona Murden

I am addicted to learning about human behaviour and that starts with understanding mine. Fiona help you discover your strengths and weaknesses. She explains how our behaviour is at the core of the decisions we make and gives you step by step techniques to change your behaviours.

4. Mindset – Carol Dweck

Loved this book, Carol defines the differences between a fixed vs growth mindset, she has an awesome way of showing how success in school, work, sport, and almost every area of human endeavour can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. Highly recommend this to everyone but especially mums, she has some amazing wise words you might like on your parenting road.

5. The Power of Vulnerability – Brene Brown

If you haven’t read any Brene Brown I recommend starting with this one, she really hits home with showing you it’s ok to face some emotions like shame, fear and uncertainty. My favourite line from the book “we too often lose sight of the fact that vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity and love”. Add this one to your list.

6. High Performance Habits – Brendon Burchard

One thing I love to teach is habits, This book really helps outline how to set habits straight and aim for the top. We all know that we need to implement more consistent and effective habits in our lives, but this book breaks down how to actually make this happen. Loved it from the start and still use his methods daily.

Much Love


Tam’s Tribe

Tam's Tribe Custom Online Programming

Dedicated to helping women love their bodies, make them fall in love with fitness and strength and build their self confidence to heights they never imagined.

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