How to thrive in your training after 40
Tam’s Tribe Blog
7 reasons strength training is vital for menopausal women
Prevention is always better than cure, particularly in peri menopause and menopause. Taking part in regular strength training is proven to improve lifestyle and even prolong lifespan as we age. As women we are at higher risks of muscle & bone loss due to menopause.
Thoughts from a Physiotherapist: How to understand & improve your posture
I am sure you’ve seen a health professional or coach who has told you to “improve your posture” or “sit up straight”. Well if only it was that simple right? I won’t lie as a younger coach I have definitely said these things and practised them myself without the true...
Ever Feel Envious Of A Toddlers Squat Position They Seem To Do So Effortlessly?
Let's talk about why you need to bring more mobility into your training for better results Mobility matters because of the way it impacts our lives, generally the older we get the less mobile we become. Ageing affects muscle mass and strength, bone density, and can...