Tam’s Tribe Health & Fitness Blog

Nervous About The Gym? At-Home Personal Training Could Be The Answer

What’s stopping you from achieving your fitness goals? If you just groaned, “because I feel nervous about going to gym!” – then I hear you. 

Working out in front of others can be intimidating, regardless of how familiar you are with the setting. 

I know the fear of judgment is one of the biggest deterrents when it comes to fitness. But with online at-home, personal training, you can grow your confidence from the comfort of your own home, while still focusing on what matters: reaching your goals. 

Keep reading to find out why I’m such a big fan of working out at home (on your own terms). 


1. You can exercise in the comfort of your own home

Feel self-conscious about working out in public? You’re not alone. I’ve helped many of my clients move from nervous and intimidated to confident and comfortable with the idea of training in a gym. 

At-home personal training is the perfect first step if you’re nervous about stepping into the gym because you can build your confidence at home and step into the gym when you’re feeling more comfortable.

You don’t have to compromise or delay your fitness goals, because you can still work on them from the comfort of your own home. And you still get to benefit from the support of an experienced personal trainer, who will help you to learn, grow and improve so you feel more confident in your ability.


2. At-home personal training means you can exercise when it suits you 

Are you an early riser or a night owl? Or just a permanently exhausted pigeon who’s trying to get in *me* time wherever possible? 

With at-home personal training, you can slip into your yoga pants (or PJ’s!) anytime. Got a spare 15 mins while your toddler is dozing? Roll out your mat and get cracking. 

Whether you work full-time or manage a gaggle of kids, carving out a fitness routine you can actually stick to is tough stuff. But you don’t need to leave the house to get it done – in fact, the beauty of an online personal trainer is being able to access and complete your training anywhere, anytime. 


3. You’re getting a personalised program (that doesn’t rely on expensive equipment)

I’m a big fan of the online fitness community – they offer free videos that are easily accessible to everyone. BUT they aren’t personalised. You have to create your own program. 

And if you don’t have a lot of fitness knowledge, you might not be aware of where you need to be focusing your efforts or how to modify workouts to suit you. It gets trickier if you’re dealing with an injury, too (you don’t want to accidentally aggravate the problem area). 

With at-home personal training, your plan is personalised to suit your fitness level and ideal outcome.

Your program also doesn’t rely on expensive equipment. Because guess what? As nice as a shoulder press machine is, you can achieve the same effect with a few small pieces of equipment at home. 


Ready to skip the gym and work out in the comfort of your own home? Learn more about our at-home personal training program, Power Women.

Much Love


Tam’s Tribe

Tam's Tribe Custom Online Programming

Dedicated to helping women love their bodies, make them fall in love with fitness and strength and build their self confidence to heights they never imagined.

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Your core stabilises your body, allowing you to move in any direction, improving balance, preventing falls and allows your body to function properly.

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